Friday, February 21, 2014

Dominica NATURES ISLAND Wati'Kubuli


Closer to time to leave Barbados and seeing how much I had in my wallet, the cheapest ticket I could afford was Dominica. whilst in Barbados work wasn’t that easy to find but my creativity wasn’t stifled so I had a cleaning job and worked with children making musical instruments using recyclable materials, which was great fun.
I could barely feed myself yet alone buy a ticket to leave that’s when the good people I met helped me to get to Dominica.

I was just as clueless of Dominica as I was of Barbados, now Dominica is truly natures island some of my friends thought I was in the Republic of Dominica and im like noo its Dominica, they don’t have much materialistically speaking but they have a lot of peace of mind but peace of mind doesn’t fill the stomach.
Right now the nature of my travel is I arrive in a country with nothing, get some work and buy the ticket to the next place, for now it works but I have so much to offer when times are hard I really wish I could be financially compensated for the gifts I have but right now no such luck, so I work my way( it would so great if we didn’t have the money system either). The way I see this is that no matter where I am I have to eat be clothed and have shelter where I do this doesn’t matter because it’s all the same for everyone everywhere in the world. Food, clothes  and shelter.

People keep asking me which is better out of the 2 islands I use to have an answer but after a while I realise they are incomparable because each place is a different reality both islands have a magic about them as much as they have a downside too. What I do know these 2 islands love their rum.
More provision but here there is a fusion of taste buds, Carib,French, African,English,Chinese etc but these taste buds go as far as snakes ,frogs (mountain frogs call them chicken) rat manique igwana I will pass maybe give me provisions and red beans when I arrived here first thought was there where defiantly runaway slaves and truth of that reality really made me feel good and kinda connected to the space. beautiful mountains all around second thought was if South Africa thinks it’s a rainbow nation they need to think again cos Dominica is a the rainbow.

I’ve come to learn the hard way Dominica is not money making Island at all but if you a persistent you will find what you need. Thus far I have truly understood through practical experience what the term exploitation mean and also what if feels like to be used before I left my job everyone was like get a job first but knowing me if I have had it I’ve had it I can only take so much yet my rope is very long, so I left and on quite days I argue with my conscious ‘why are you stubborn now we jobless and broke’ and it responds “but you volunteer at the children’s home and are now finally writing what’s been on your mind and you have time to do your hearts way”. On the outside if you don’t have anything that’s what you have, it’s about connections and who knows who, so if you don’t know anyone then tuff luck let your ancestors be your guide and or your God. The art of letting go of things that are beyond your power.

February has seem challenging I have to move out my place at the end of the month because of rent, offers come and disappear (people tend to say things or offer things to be nice and when they actually have to do it they back,use to it by now) I love the volunteer job at the centre I help children learn to read in English, first time I met them they asked me to sing them my countries national anthem and in return they sang me there’s it was a great exchange.. I wish I could meet the minister of education because there is an injustice done to these kids in the name of education, one of these days!! For cash on the side I do guitar lessons for children, some have no patience of learning they just want to magically play ids are humorous though.

Arts/creativity not yet fully embraced so artistic avenues are rare, in the past few months I’ve only had 3 shows Mero beach festival and an event put together by Prag productions. I attended 2 exhibitions which was exciting to be in the hub of the artistic community.
The nice thing about Dominica I really love is when I am yearning for a river bath; there is plenty of rivers to go around, waterfalls, streams, springs and lushness. Its festival time and I have been lucky to catch the creole festival and now it’s the Nou Konnet viv, costumes and cultural music soca, fun times and plenty beauty pageants Queens, Princesses and Queen Mothers.

Between Barbados and Dominica ladies if you have a low self-esteem the Carribean men will boost it sky high for you it can be flattering and you have hips and ass you are blessed J so big gurls who aren’t feeling dieting move to the Caribbean there is plenty love going around here for voluptuous ladies.
Truth of it all no 2 days are the same.Today you might be crying but tomorrow you will be smiling.

Love and light







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