Tuesday, April 22, 2014


The beauty about Dominica, is that when you desire to have a river bath, there is absolutely no reason to deprive yourself of such a need, because either you have a river running down your backyard,if not you,your  friends or they know someone with a river right in their backyard or side of the house.

That's absolutely beautiful and the water is pure untempered with and that's beautiful.

Rivers gallo!!! and they bring a peaceful meditation the constant sound of water falling as for the hot springs a convo for another day and the homes set in hearts of mountains and amongst rich greenery when there you feel you in Eden and no where else.

<3 Dominica

uBuntu Creative continues....Easter Edutainment for the children

uBuntu Creative arts for children on the role! exciting times!! :)

In making things happen I have teamed up with Ultimate Kidz World an upcoming children's edutainment company based here in Dominica.

So together we have come up with an Easter program as a pilot for the summer program in Dominica and here we focus on creative arts.
guitar classes
English tutoring

It has been going on very well we started of slow but gaining more children as days go by and are excited about the summer.
We are very lucky because of the space we received at Harlem Plaza also a local entertainment business with strong support to programs that uplift children and the community.

In creating this projects I have visited schools to share and perfom for the children which has been a lovely opportunity to mix in with the youth and see how they define creativity and expression using art,I continuously grow.

Most of the children I am dealing with do not come from families who can afford extra murral things but children have been walking in our program wanting to be part of what we doing and we dont turn anyone because they dont have,so we open our arms and share art and food.

This program is one much needed and we here to make it happen with the same breath we need your assistance to continue for the summer and your contribution can go toward:
paints(which can be so expensive here in the Caribbean)

If you would like to contribute something here is an account you can use. thanking you in advance

204888 Soctia Bank
Shermain Coy

lets keep moving and doing...love is how we evolve.

Day 3 rehearsals for mothers day play..half the cast forgot their scripts.
Me:where is your script?
Student:Miss I forgot it at home?
Me so when you left home where where you going?
student:I came here to rehearsal miss
Me: so where is your script?
Student:Miss its in my school bag and I didn't go to school today!!!
me:hmmmm!!!(the look on her face puzzled that I don't understand her)
gotta love children reasoning

Me: Jolika my dear imagination use your imagination,do you know what imagination is?
Jolika: yes miss will use it when I come back from the toilet...   
episodes continue...feeling blessed had a beautiful day rainy but progressive

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Dearest Family

Most part of my travelling especially in the  Caribbean(historical reasons) has alot to do with me wanting to connect cultures,My South African way of life, with my fellow people who have never been to any part of Africa and have love and interest for my/our beautiful continent

I am an artist a creative and I carry that in my DNA no matter where I be in the world  creativity defines me...children are my concern,I look at how I can contribute in their lives using my creative skills as an artist.

I have long come to understand that adults(running government orgs related to education) are very reluctant to alternative thought even worse so when the education in it self doesn't promote arts or creative thinking,so no matter how simple the idea they will complicate it and make things seem so complex so as to remain comfortable in their sits and never truly pay attention to the effects that face youngstars going through their education system.

with that being said then it becomes the doers responsibility to find alternative to accomplish the vision at hand rather then throwing in the towel and cussing the system,we seek alternative that would give us the same result..where there is a will their is the way the avenues you think are going to help you are the first to reject you or they become a stumbling block but thats all temporal if you want things done.

It is such a pleasant pleasure and most fulfilling feeling to be around youngSTARS. Around the youth I continue learning about me and my journey thier questions make me reflect on my intentions and the purpose I feel I am being called towards as I continue working with them and their guardians.

So after couple of months between schools and the department of education in DA and partnering with Jenny Coy I was finaly invited to a school today to come do a session :A journey to Africa with Thobs the Zulu Queen.When I arrived at the school and the warm reception before and after the performance that the children gave me,made every challenge I have faced with the ministry worthwhile thier smiles and desire is priceless.

thank you Goodwill Secondary School and that is why I love what I do that why I love music and storytelling and who better to share it with then children (and adults :)

the funniest  moment of my day: trying to convince a group of teens its ok to sit on the grass!!took some coaxing but they soon realised this crazy South African wont take a no for an answer,so they caved in I promised them if they dusted of when they stood up it works like magic grass flies off...got to love youngSTARS!!

A storyteller: speak to be heard and understood,communicate a vision to the people and be honest.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

uBuntu Creative Expressions..lend a hand

Dearest friends and acquaintances 

                                                     ubuntu |oǒ'boǒntoō|
uBuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It also means 'I am what I am because of who we all are'. uBuntu creative  brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the world.

arts as a medium of expression and a learning tool
using recyclable goods to make music instruments
with under privileged youth to breech borders and keep environments clean
and I need your help to accomplish this
because it will take everything  to steer the future
away from endless war, from the annihilation of the Earth's treasures and the grinding down of the poor and marginal.  

action is impossible without hope."  --Rebecca Solnit

In my travels I have come up with a concept that summons what I am doing: uBuntu creative expressions. uBuntu creatives use arts as a medium of expression and a learning tool . uBuntu creatives focus on the below methods to work with the youth and artists that are interested in African culture more specifically South Africa because I can only speak about what I know.

Methods used

As relating to South African culture in:
  • Drama/story telling/acting
  • Dancing
  • singing
  • creating(making music instruments
2 weeks Easter program:

uBuntu Creatives presents...

Ultimate Child's World Creative Arts
Easter program  
4-15 years
17th-26thth April 2014... 10am-4:30pm daily 

Guitar, dance, singing, drawing classes and English lessons

money raised will go towards the instrument making program for summer.

My work

  •  I work with school children I have an 8 week program where I teach them to make music instruments(berimbau and rain sticks..this depends on age group), discuss social issues turn them into a play where we incorporate the music instruments we have made and in the end we do a production night where they perform for their school and community to raise funds for their school.
  •  I work with school drama music and dance departments where I teach children South African dances and movement using djembe drums and other percussions and some Zulu songs.
  •  I go around schools doing monologue plays and storytelling for younger ones as a way of closing the gap of misunderstanding between Africa and African descendants  I work with local artist to create collaboration opportunity to fuse my South African sounds with local sounds which has been very successful and growth opportunity.  I do collaborative work with local artists and record a song.
  •  Towards the end of my time in the country/Island: working with local directors, producers and artists we show case a play I wrote Princess Magogo the rise of the star looking at the role and responsibility of artists in preserving the story of our society and setting a vision for the people and I do alive performance using a local band.
sharing my art skills is one best way I know how to give back to the place that has showed me loving kindness.

for more follow ups on the creatives...
thobs the zulu queen

 To help please send your donations vis WESTERN UNION to:

30 simon Bolivard Stockfarm Dominica

ID name Bridget Thobekile Mbanda..

kindly inbox me the reference number and your name to: tmbacktoeden@gmail.com

thank you