The Great Mother Ast (Auset) is the forerunner to Yemoja. Another aspect of Ast is Uadjet (Woman
of power who bends energy for health and abundance). A variant of the word is Udja (pronounced WOO-jah),
where the term Ouija board is also derived from. The Mdw Ntr (hieroglyphic symbol)
is believed by many to actually represent a mortar and pestle.
If you look at the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) w
of power who bends energy for health and abundance). A variant of the word is Udja (pronounced WOO-jah),
where the term Ouija board is also derived from. The Mdw Ntr (hieroglyphic symbol)
is believed by many to actually represent a mortar and pestle.
If you look at the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) w
ords Iem (pronounced "ee-yem",
meaning "water") and udja ("wood-JAH", meaning "abundance, power"), and since the
feminine Mother energy in Kemet was related to water, one can easily see how Iem Udja
became Yemoja, Powerful Mother of the Abundant Waters.
Another variant is Ujdat (WOO-chaht), the name for the protective amulet representing the Eye of Heru,
which is comprised of the protective psychic energies of Wadjet
Bast & Sekhmet are said to be the daughters and eyes of their father Ra. Bast & Sekhmet
are similar, but not the same.
Sekhmet's leonine energy is about healing by purging with fire, like a fever acts within the
body. She aggressively attacks anything that stands in the way of purity and
righteousness, but from a place of love for humanity and wanting humanity to evolve.
The cat-like Bast, on the other hand, represents home and hearth. She is said to be the
soul (ba) of Ast. (Ba Ast) She is also known as Bastet. Bast will only attack when she has
been attacked, like a cat protecting her young. She is love from a nurturing, familial, coupling standpoint.
Hathor's real name is Het Hru, meaning House of Awakening.
She is related to Sekhmet and Bast because she is Divine Love in every sense of the
word. She, Bast, & Sekhmet also represent the arts. Het Hru & Sekhmet are actually two
sides of the same coin. Het Hru is the other side of Sekhmet. When you get one, you get
the other.
People are familiar with the shallow, patriarchal view of Sekhmet's story. Here's the
matriarchal understanding of the tale.
Sekhmet offered herself in loving sacrifice to purge mankind of those who mocked
righteousness and disrespected the Life Force. Women, who represent yin energy, are
able to pull in negative energy and transmute it to positive, a divine alchemical act...
Her act of sacrifice brought her to a higher evolved element of love, which brought her
more power. Het Hru is the portal traveler of the seven astral planes. You may have heard
of The Seven Hathors? That's why. And because the astrals are accessed through the
chakras, you find Het Hru's energy contained within each of the chakras (aritu).
Het Hru is the forerunner to Oshun, as Oshun also represents Divine Love. She is also
the river, with all of its beauty, subtleties, and power. River currents represent the enticing
undulation of a woman's hips. Both Het Hru and Oshun are greatly underestimated
because people who misunderstand the energy interpret them as being bubble headed
sexpots. One must truly understand the power of love to understand Het Hru and Oshun.
In these times when everyone is talking about 2012 and ascension it is important to note
how these stories of the earth going through a purging when mankind becomes arrogant
and unrighteous are not new (i.e. Noah and the Ark). This purging has happened many
times over. We get to a place in our civilization where we forget to be humble, we hate one
another, we needlessly create through science just to prove we can (i.e. cloning, industrial
operations that ruin the ecology). Nature always pushes the reset button. Only the pure of
heart are spared.
Both Het Hru and Oshun are known for their mirrors. The unwise believe their mirrors
stand for their own vanity. In truth, the mirrors are used to reveal an individual's true nature,
showing what is in the person's heart.
What does your own spiritual mirror reflect out to the world?
Begin purging yourself by loving the water energy that flows in your body. Open your ear
to see and feel your interconnectedness with everyone and everything. Know the
responsibility that goes with that type of love. Allow Divine Love flow throughout your
spiritual nature so you may transcend and ascend
meaning "water") and udja ("wood-JAH", meaning "abundance, power"), and since the
feminine Mother energy in Kemet was related to water, one can easily see how Iem Udja
became Yemoja, Powerful Mother of the Abundant Waters.
Another variant is Ujdat (WOO-chaht), the name for the protective amulet representing the Eye of Heru,
which is comprised of the protective psychic energies of Wadjet
Bast & Sekhmet are said to be the daughters and eyes of their father Ra. Bast & Sekhmet
are similar, but not the same.
Sekhmet's leonine energy is about healing by purging with fire, like a fever acts within the
body. She aggressively attacks anything that stands in the way of purity and
righteousness, but from a place of love for humanity and wanting humanity to evolve.
The cat-like Bast, on the other hand, represents home and hearth. She is said to be the
soul (ba) of Ast. (Ba Ast) She is also known as Bastet. Bast will only attack when she has
been attacked, like a cat protecting her young. She is love from a nurturing, familial, coupling standpoint.
Hathor's real name is Het Hru, meaning House of Awakening.
She is related to Sekhmet and Bast because she is Divine Love in every sense of the
word. She, Bast, & Sekhmet also represent the arts. Het Hru & Sekhmet are actually two
sides of the same coin. Het Hru is the other side of Sekhmet. When you get one, you get
the other.
People are familiar with the shallow, patriarchal view of Sekhmet's story. Here's the
matriarchal understanding of the tale.
Sekhmet offered herself in loving sacrifice to purge mankind of those who mocked
righteousness and disrespected the Life Force. Women, who represent yin energy, are
able to pull in negative energy and transmute it to positive, a divine alchemical act...
Her act of sacrifice brought her to a higher evolved element of love, which brought her
more power. Het Hru is the portal traveler of the seven astral planes. You may have heard
of The Seven Hathors? That's why. And because the astrals are accessed through the
chakras, you find Het Hru's energy contained within each of the chakras (aritu).
Het Hru is the forerunner to Oshun, as Oshun also represents Divine Love. She is also
the river, with all of its beauty, subtleties, and power. River currents represent the enticing
undulation of a woman's hips. Both Het Hru and Oshun are greatly underestimated
because people who misunderstand the energy interpret them as being bubble headed
sexpots. One must truly understand the power of love to understand Het Hru and Oshun.
In these times when everyone is talking about 2012 and ascension it is important to note
how these stories of the earth going through a purging when mankind becomes arrogant
and unrighteous are not new (i.e. Noah and the Ark). This purging has happened many
times over. We get to a place in our civilization where we forget to be humble, we hate one
another, we needlessly create through science just to prove we can (i.e. cloning, industrial
operations that ruin the ecology). Nature always pushes the reset button. Only the pure of
heart are spared.
Both Het Hru and Oshun are known for their mirrors. The unwise believe their mirrors
stand for their own vanity. In truth, the mirrors are used to reveal an individual's true nature,
showing what is in the person's heart.
What does your own spiritual mirror reflect out to the world?
Begin purging yourself by loving the water energy that flows in your body. Open your ear
to see and feel your interconnectedness with everyone and everything. Know the
responsibility that goes with that type of love. Allow Divine Love flow throughout your
spiritual nature so you may transcend and ascend
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